It’s time to level up your locky-d cocktail game.
An undeniable crowd-favourite at Salty’s, we’re sharing you in on all the deets to shake up your very own Big Kahuna margarita at home. Combining that refreshingly perfect blend of salty, sweet and dry, this is the kind of cocktail that’s all-too-easy to sink back on a sunny weekend.
Follow the recipe below, and share us in on your final result, @saltysbondi.
30mL tequila (we prefer olmeca gold)
15mL triple sec
30mL lime juice
10mL sugar syrup
1 x coronita (or 1 x half-drunk corona)
fresh lime, cut into a lime wheel
cocktail shaker
large cocktail glass / bowl / whatever drinking vessel you have on hand
1. To your cocktail shaker, add the tequila, triple sec, lime juice, sugar syrup and a decent handful of ice. Shake ’til you feel like your biceps have gone up a size.
2. Run a lime wedge around the edge of your glass, and salt the rim.
3. Strain the liquid gold from your shaker into the glass. Pop a lime wedge on the side.
4. Dunk your Coronita in, and take a sec to revel in just how good this marg is looking.
5. Drink. Tell your mates. Send us a snap.